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Building a Service Provider

The lessons in the Building a Service Provider trail discuss how to write a service provider. Before embarking on this trail, you should have a good grasp of the fundamental and advanced JNDI topics described in The Basics (in the Basics trail), Beyond the Basics (in the Beyond the Basics trail), and Java Objects and the Directory (in the Java Objects and the Directory trail) trails. If you are building a service provider for a directory service, you also should first read the Tips for LDAP Users (in the Tips for LDAP Users trail) trail.

The Big Picture lesson describes the components of a service provider. It distinguishes between essential and optional components.

The Ground Rules lesson discusses general rules to follow when writing code for a service provider. It covers such topics as parameter passing, environment properties, and threads.

The Essential Components lesson describes how to write all of the essential components of a service provider and how to make it extensible. This includes building a context implementation, an initial context factory, and a name parser.

The Adding Directory Support lesson shows you how to add directory support to a service provider once you have the basic components. This lesson is useful only to those readers who are building a service provider for a directory service.

The Adding URL Support lesson shows you how to add URL support to a service provider once you have the basic components. URL support is an optional feature.

The Adding Federation Support lesson shows you how to add support for federation to a service provider once you have the basic components. Federation is an optional feature.

The Miscellaneous lesson shows you how to package a service provider and how to implement various advanced features such as referrals and event notification.

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