
1. Pagina web de Bluetooth de Ericsson

2. Página web de Bluetooth

3. Bluetooth Technology and Implications

4. Bluetooth, la próxima revolución

5. Prototipo de plataforma Bluetooth para hoteles de i-Wap

6. Página web de I-WAP

7. Microwave Oven Interference on Wireless LAN's operating in the 2.4Ghz ISM Band

8. Palowireless Bluetooth resource center - Glossary

9. 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks

10. Página web de Mobilian

11. Información sobre IrDA en Palowireless

12. Registry Magic And Partners Paint The Holiday Inn `Blue'

13. IEEE 802.15 WPAN™ Task Group 3 (TG3)

14. Wireless Internet Hits Airports

15. BLIP - Bluetooth Local Infotainment Point (Ericsson)

16. Using Bluetooth in an Industrial Environment, Reliability and Robustness


