Lenguaje Unificado de Modelado (UML)



Documentos tomados de RATIONAL Software Corporation y el OMG.
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Documentos de la version 1.3 (Junio 1999)

OMG UML Specification, v. 1.3 (ad/99-06-08).


Documentos de la version 1.1 (Septiembre 1997)

UML Notation Guide. Defines the UML notation and provides examples.

UML Extension for Objectory Process for Software Engineering. Defines UML extensions for the Rational Objectory Process.


Documentos de la Version 1.0 (Enero 1997)

UML Summary version 1.0.1 - Serves as an introduction to the UML, as well as a road map to the other documents.

UML Notation Guide version 1.0 - Describes the UML notation and provides examples.

UML Semantics version 1.0 - Describes the formal metamodel that is the foundation for the UML's semantics. The UML metamodel is presented in UML notation and concise natural language.

UML Glossary version 1.0 is included as an appendix.

UML Process-Specific Extensions version 1.0 - Describes the process-specific extensions to the UML, in terms of its extension mechanisms and process-specific diagram icons.

Lenguaje Unificado de Modelado (UML)/ Alvaro Rendón G. / arendon

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